Mise-en-Scene "The Flash"

I chose to do episode 7 season 5 from “The Flash” because it shows many Mise-en-scene examples, such as setting, lighting, costume and staging. Also I chose this TV show because it's one of my favorites; the cinematographic, the scripting, editing, and the special effects always catch my attention. 

Starting off the episode we find a little girl laying in a hospital bed. The mood is quiet, she's holding a toy, it seems like she was in an accident, she had scars and seemed hurt. The atmosphere is very dark with just one window open, everything is silent with sad music. This scene introduces us to the start of the episode, we (the audience) assumes that Barry Allen is going to solve the mystery of the accident and destroy the enemy,  the darkest setting portrays sadness, mystery, suspense and sorrow.

The lighting through the whole episode shifts from very light and bright to a darker light, for example, when Barry’s family are in the house together cooking the light is bright, but when it cuts to a scene where the enemy is, the lighting becomes very dark. Here, bright  represents good and positive and the dark represents bad and problems. 

One of the major visual attractions in TV shows and movies is the costume. In the TV show The Flash the major attraction is Flash’s costume, Along with the other superheroes costumes. They are made with a certain leather that makes them attractive to the eye and makes them look agile and powerful. Also the costume portrays the characters super powers along with their personalities. For example Flash's costume is red and yellow showing that he is as fast as a flash.

One of the main location is the “Star Laboratories” that is their private base where they meet to solve the problem and investigate the enemies along with creating chemical solutions to cope with their superpowers and their problems. The way the laboratory is staged makes the viewer think it's a real laboratory, containing advanced technology, a medical center, a modified gym that can handle superpowers, etc.helping The flash’s team improve their activities. 

In conclusion in this episode, and in all films and shows we can always find Mise-en-scene elements that contribute to the story as a whole, making the viewers feel real inside of what is happening in the scene.


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